Monday 19 March 2012

My New Gearbox

Here is one idea that came to my mind a few months back, of a new type of automatic gearbox-

We know what a gearbox is( instrument that changes gears, da!). In a manual one, a person has to change gears again and again. What he basically does is engage different sets of gears to obtain the required gear ratio, and thus change the ratio of the revs that the engine and the wheels take. An automatic gearbox also does the same thing but without the help of the driver.

The new design of gearbox that came to my mind has just one single set of gears and three shafts. The basic design is somewhat like this- the crankshaft is attached to the Gear-1, which moves Gear-2. The shaft holding Gear-2 is attached by a belt to another shaft which drives the wheels.

Now, this arrangement, at first look would idiotic, but don't come to conclusions too fast, please.
The trick is to make Gear-1 a bit different. Gear-1 should be expandable. What I mean is that when the gear rotates at high RPMs, its diameter and the number of teeth increases by a fixed amount due to centrifugal force. To do this, the gear on the inside contains pieces, with particular number of teeth, bound by springs(of specific tension) which uncoil at a specific point of time, at a particular RPM. When the dia. of the gear increases, some blank space form in it, which are instantaneously filled by those pieces. Now, there can be four or five layers of such pieces which means we can have 4-5 gear in just one!

And that means, as the Gear's size would increase, the other gear would be pushed further out to accommodate the size increase and the belt connecting it to the Third shaft will expand.
In this type of gearbox, as it is clearly noticeable, there will be no need to change gears by self.

This concept can be pushed a little further. If the pieces mentioned above could be just very thin, and come out with every increase in RPM, it will lead to just immense acceleration and torque(maybe); no need to change gears, no bump between gear change, just continuous increase of speed without frills.

P.S.- The whole setup can also take place by incorporating cylinders or drums instead of gears. Actually, that would even be better!
P.S.- These images are not related to my gearbox.

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